In the year 1964, the Bishop launched the Diocesan A.Y.O. at the St. Paul’s Mother Church Kabete and a youth committee was commissioned to carry on the herculian youth work in the Diocese. In the consequent Synod all other Bishops agreed to start A.Y.O. in their dioceses. The name was changed from A.Y.O. to KAYO to cover the entire country.

To be admitted to KAYO membership one must attain the age of 15 years and above; practicing Christian and a church member. Youth is the most energetic group both physically and emotionally.

The Church has tried to direct young people’s energies in the right direction for the glory of God by involving them in church activities like missions, evangelism, sports, drama and music festivals. Preaching and leading services and in work camps and conferences.

Our Anthem
OO KAYO, Mashahidi wa Yesu Chama kikuu, chenye kusudi kubwa Kinawapendeza vijana, wasichana na wavulana OO KAYO Mashahidi wa Yesu.

KAYO Prayer
Teach us good Lord to serve you with all our strength, body, soul and mind. To love you and rejoice in you always. To offer our services without counting the cost.

KAYO promise
I promise to serve Jesus Christ all the days of my life To pray and read the Bible each day, to reach out to the other young people Especially K.A.Y.O members and to abide by the rules of the group.

KAYO objectives

  • To bring young people to know, to love Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
  • To build up young people in the knowledge and behavior of the Christian faith, the Bible being the foundation.
  • To educate young people in good Christian character and to encourage them to be leaders of the Church.
  • To help the Church understand its responsibility towards young people.

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Bishop Ranji Plaza 10th Floor,Kiambu Town

+254 583 596

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